As I set out at the start of the year, me and Lizzy where going to collaborate on a travel based brief. And so we decided that we should start now, now that first semester had finished and we had one less module to work on, as well as this we both have placements this semester and so starting earlier gives us more time to work on it and more room if there is error.
Meeting Preparation
I researched into what other people had done in relation to travel...
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I then looked at two competition briefs as I remembered they where both travel companies
Airbnb- D&AD
Top Deck- YCN
I thought that we could either try these briefs or adapt them into our own brief taking the bits that we liked.
I also brought this newspaper along, I really liked the format and the feel of it, I thought if Lizzy agreed then we could maybe try using this or a similar format.
We discussed our initial ideas
I showed Lizzy the briefs and the things I felt where important or we could use from them, we felt that the briefs both where asking for a very digital response and I didn't feel like this was appropriate for me and Lizzy wanted to steer away from digital.
We wanted to incorporate art and into the brief, art + travel.
I felt that my interest lied within the architecture, sculpture etc.
We also discussed that art from the past would be more appropriate as most of the time it is part of the culture of the place, whereas modern art may be too un coherent to the place and then we would be focussing on the art and artists rather than travel.
From this we also decided we wanted to be focussed on city breaks, as in the city is where the most landmarks are and art etc. And from our own experiences we felt like this was true too.
And so we decided to pinpoint main buildings/landmarks of the cities to the traveller, and this is usually the art or where the best art is.
Our audience would be 18-30 year olds, male and female, sophisticated individuals, looking to learn and immerse themselves in culture, they want to be independent on their trip but don't want the hassle of arranging the flights and accommodation.
We also drew from the company of the competition briefs, airbnb (which I have used) is a company that has host and guests where you can let someone rent your place and you can go to someone else's. This has a focus on hospitality and accommodation, not something we wanted to focus on.
Top Deck is a company that arranges the whole holiday, travel, accommodation, trips, events, food etc. We felt that this was more along with what we wanted.
Again from our own experiences we felt that having everything planned for you in the day/night isn't ideal and you end up with a guide and not much independence.
We came to the idea that our company would offer inspiration in the form of a quarterly magazine showing a different city each quarter. For continuity purposes a city may be featured multiple times at different points in the year or if there is something new happening in conjunction with art in that city which would be a sub-feature of the issue, or for instance if it is a different season, for instance Budapest in summer will be very different to Budapest in winter, where there is a huge focus on christmas and christmas markets.
We also decided to use the format of the newspaper I had found we really liked the way it looked and how ergonomically it was.
I drew around the newspaper and and A4 piece, we looked at how we could keep the sizes similar, I drew the ratio of the paper, to make the newspaper the same width as an A4 sheet, however this would make the publication to tall, and then to cut an A4 sheet down would be costly and wouldn't work in the real world.
Lizzy pointed out that it would actually be better to have a different size when we photograph anyway and so we decided to do this.
From this we chose some formats
Magazine- 30x17cm
Postcards- 15x17cm
Luggage Tags- 15x8.5cm
Letterhead- A4
Envelope- 1/2 A4 (height)
We also made other choices
Colour: Orange, Black and White
(we chose orange as it is associated with creativity, and we felt that it was warm and inviting)
Stock: Brown and off-white (a more natural feel like the newspaper)
We also wrote a list firstly of cities we thought where art related:
Paris (France)
New York (America)
Istanbul (Turkey)
Barcelona (Spain)
Amsterdam (Holland)
Milan (Italy)
Rome (Italy)
Athens (Greece)
Tokyo (Japan)
Cairo (Egypt)
Marrakech (Morocco)
London (England)
We then looked online to see which cities had been voted for as the best for art, this way it wasn't on our preconceptions
Venice (Italy)
Salsburg (Austria)
Prague (Czech Republic)
Vienna (Austria)
Budapest (Hungary)
St Petersburg (Russia)
Santiago De Composeta (Spain)
Sienna (Italy)
Luxor (Egypt)
Krakow (Poland)
Berlin (Germany)
Florence (Italy)
Chicago (America)
Others that we had listed did appear too in the lists online and so these became definite choices.
Rome (Italy)
Istanbul (Turkey)
Barcelona (Spain)
Paris (France)
We then chose another six, so that we would have a starter company with ten cities. We ruled out America as this is an expensive place to go to especially from a UK based company, we wanted an element of realistic-ness. We also ruled out African and Asian countries and stuck to mainly European countries, expanding to the eastern side of the world and further down the world. (We also didn't have cities from the same country as this would be an easy expansion, we wanted to offer a variety firstly)
- Rome (Italy)
- Istanbul (Turkey)
- Barcelona (Spain)
- Paris (France)
- Prague (Czech Republic)
- Vienna (Austria)
- Budapest (Hungary)
- St Petersburg (Russia)
- Krakow (Poland)
- Berlin (Germany)
We then arranged a to do list:
We firstly needed to work on our corporate side, branding the company.
We need to...
- Name the company
- Logo
- Identity
- Philosophy
- Mission Statement
- Typography
- Colour(almost decided)
We are going to meet the 27/2/15 and by that time we should have all of the above.
We will talk in-between if we need to clarify or show each other work.
In the next meeting we will decide what needs to be done next.
I think the meeting went really well we both understood each other and worked really well, I feel enthusiastic about the project and I think Lizzy does too, which is good because it means we both want to work on this.
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